Hi There!


I am a Front End Developer specializing in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS.
I am happy to build web apps that impactful for others.

Don't hesitate to contact me and connect me in social media. We can sharing each other and work together! 🚀

Marcalleno Reza Saputra Photo
A one-eyed alien holding a broken cable connected between a server and a desktop computer

About Me

Welcome to my personal website! My name is Marcalleno Reza Saputra. People usually call me Marcel. I live in Bogor, Indonesia. I have bachelor degree in Information Technology from Jakarta State Polytechnic with GPA 3.65 of 4.0

My passion is learning new technology especially in programming and explore it deeper. Then i'm enjoy to share and collaborate with others.

My tech stack are :

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Github
  • MySQL
  • Firebase
  • Mongo DB
  • Netlify
  • Vercel
  • Nginx
  • Ubuntu


All of my works and personal projects

Contact Me

Feel free to say hello!

I am happy to share or discuss with others.
We can talk about coding, business, life, investment and whatever you want to.
Email me at hi@marcalleno.com